
We are currently experiencing internet and phone issues in some of our centres. For all enquiries, please contact mail@hearandsay.com.au.

Children with hearing loss, living in regional areas face greater difficulties in accessing supports than those children living in metropolitan centres. There are fewer services and health care professionals available outside city centres. The distances to specialist care can be daunting and can be impacted by weather events without notice. Cancelled bookings can mean long waiting times for the next available appointment and not all services can be provided through telehealth.

Billy Hearn is a young man living with hearing loss in regional Queensland. Last year, he addressed a room of parliamentarians in Canberra, where he told his story, outlining some of these challenges. What came through in his speech is his wonderful spirit, the difference that supports and technologies can make and the need for on-going support throughout a child’s school years to help those with hearing loss reach their listening and learning potential.

Billy is part of the Regional Targeted Intervention (RETAIN) program, sponsored by QCoal Foundation. This program is designed to use a hybrid of telehealth and face-to-face sessions to support school-aged children with hearing loss, living in regional Queensland.

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This is Billy’s speech, as he delivered it.
It is as heartwarming as it is authentic.

‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,

My name is Billy Hearn.
I am nine years old, and I am in Grade three at St Francis School in Ayr.

When I was born, my mum and dad told me that I failed the newborn hearing test, and soon after I was fitted with hearing aids. I was born with Enlarged Vestibular Aqueducts (EVA), which meant that my hearing got worse over time, and I got my cochlear implants in both ears when I was three years old.

This is where my Hear and Say journey began, and I became a part of this wonderful family. We would make the three-hour drive from Ayr to Townsville and back for speech therapy every week.

Hear and Say have helped me and my family on my journey with hearing loss and have educated all of us along the way.

I have a Roger Touchscreen Mic in the classroom, which my teachers wear all of the time to make sure I can hear everything. My school even organised to have a hearing loop installed in the assembly hall, so I never miss anything.

Recently I was lucky enough to watch my teacher Miss L act as Ariel in ‘The Little Mermaid’.
Miss L and Mr D from the theatre helped me blue tooth my devices to the system so I could hear them acting and singing to my processors. It was amazing.

I love school and have some wonderful friends. I love Maths, Science, playing basketball and also The Mighty Brisbane Broncos. I was also recently voted student council representative for my class.

Having hearing loss can be frustrating when I have to make sure I don’t get my processers wet. Or if it is noisy, I sometimes miss what my friends say. But mum and dad always say I have superhero ears.

When I am reading at night with Dad, he always says that he wishes he had my ears, so he could switch mum off anytime he likes.

Mum and Dad said if I shoot for the stars and study hard, I can be anything I want to be when I grow up. So, I would love to be a scientist.

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Hear and Say for all of their support, Doctor A (my ENT), and all of my wonderful teachers at St Francis School in Ayr.

To my wonderful hometown in Ayr including Mr D for being great advocates.
To all my great mates and to my Mum, Dad and Jax for being my biggest fans.

Thank you for having me this morning'.

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Celebrating powerful communicators

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