With a decades-long career in sports administration – including officiating at the 2000 Sydney Paralympics wheelchair rugby – Stan Battock’s passion for all things sport has inspired much of his professional and personal life.
It was then somewhat fitting that it was a promotion running in Bicycle Queensland’s newsletter that tipped Stan’s decision to get his hearing tested, following years of prompting from family.
“The offer of a free hearing screen with Hear and Say was timely, as my wife had been urging me to get my hearing checked,” recalled Stan, aged 65.
“My experience was first class from the time I arrived. Everything was explained very clearly including the results of my hearing test, so I quickly understood what I was missing out on with my hearing loss.”
Stan’s type of moderately-severe hearing loss in both ears meant he was often missing out on the soft, high frequency sounds of speech, making hearing without visual cues more challenging – particularly in group situations or amongst background noise.
With his new hearing aids, Stan said he had found great improvements across many areas of life, including when chatting with friends and loved ones, streaming the TV straight to his hearing aids and being more alert to noise when cycling.
“My hearing is much better in social situations, which means I can actually enjoy taking part in conversations even in noisy places such as bars and restaurants,” said Stan.
“I also love being able to Bluetooth calls and music from my phone to my hearing aids, which was an added bonus I wasn’t previously aware was possible.
“Hearing aid styles today are very subtle, and they even come in shades to match your hair colour. People don’t even notice I’m wearing mine. In fact, they are often surprised when I tell them I have my hearing aids on.”