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Taking that first step of getting a hearing test can be a daunting prospect for many – often resulting in a long lag between someone first noticing an issue with their hearing, to then booking an initial appointment.

An eventual diagnosis of a hearing loss can then open the door to explore rehabilitation solutions such as hearing aids, demonstrating the importance of a trusted hearing services provider such as Hear and Say to guide clients through the process.

“If a hearing loss is indicated during the hearing test, your audiologist will discuss the results in depth with you to ensure you understand the broader picture of how the hearing system works, the cause of your personal hearing loss, and what technology options are available to improve your hearing and communication,” said Julie Decker, Hear and Say Head of Audiology.

“It’s actually our brain which processes sound – the ears are just the pathway. Where need is indicated, hearing aids give you the best chance of keeping your auditory system and brain stimulated and healthy, and can even reduce the gradual deterioration of your hearing over time – all while improving your ability to hear.

“Being able to make an informed decision is key. As an audiologist, I spend a significant amount of time using a range of materials to inform someone about their type of hearing loss and its severity. Clients need to feel empowered about their hearing loss, and then we need to treat it in a way which best suits their individual hearing and communication needs and goals.”

Lady Smiling

If recommended, hearing aids will be discussed in detail, including different styles, functions and what is most suitable for each person’s hearing loss, lifestyle, budget and communication goals.

“The benefits of hearing aid use are also covered in that first appointment, including improved hearing during conversations with loved ones, in the car or in a noisy setting, or using a Bluetooth streaming function to listen to television shows, music, phone calls and more,” said Julie.

“It’s wonderful to hear feedback from many clients that they feel their connection with others and quality of life is enhanced, as a result of their improved hearing with their hearing aids.”

Following a comprehensive hearing assessment and discussion, the audiologist will provide quotes for the recommended option, including any relevant rebates (such as the Australian Government’s Hearing Services Program or Department of Veterans’ Affairs subsidies). Devices are ordered, and a hearing aid fitting appointment is scheduled.

A series of follow-up appointments takes place following the hearing aid fitting to ensure you are getting the best out of your devices.

Book that hearing test you've been putting off.

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Online learning

From tinnitus, to cytomegalovirus, to teaching kids with hearing loss – further your knowledge with our on demand webinars.

2022-23 Annual Report

Read about the 300 babies born with hearing loss in Australia each year, and how Hear and Say continued to change lives this year.

Celebrating powerful communicators

Four courageous children and clients of Hear and Say shared their stories at the inaugural Power of Speech event.

Workplace giving

“The program gives our staff a sense of pride in the company and for the work they do at Sci-Fleet." – Allison Scifleet, Guest Experience Manager, Sci-Fleet Motors.

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