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For children born deaf or hard of hearing, every day without sound limits their potential. The early years are crucial, to give children the best opportunity to grow up learning to listen and speak just like their siblings and peers.

You have the opportunity to make this a reality, with a gift in your Will – a lasting and positive change for babies born now, and for generations to come.

Together, we can open worlds to create better futures, and ensure the best outcomes for people with hearing loss through the latest technology, early identification and intervention, and world-class research and innovation.

“Supporting a family to help their child to communicate is an incredibly powerful, lifelong gift. By helping a child to listen and speak, you will be giving them the precious opportunity to be involved in their community and achieve whatever dreams they set their mind to.”

– Dr Dimity Dornan AO, Founder of Hear and Say

How do I leave a legacy?

A gift in your Will, also known as a bequest, is one of the most important documents you will prepare during your lifetime. It is a planned current or future donation you make to a charity when you decide to include them in your Will. It is a decision that an individual makes, with their loved ones and values at the fore, in their financial planning process.
A gift in Will varies from person to person – depending on your wishes, it may be a percentage or share of your estate, a sum of money, property, shares, or even your entire estate.

Black And White Photo Of Lady With Boy
Footballer Visiting Centre

Why leave a gift in your Will?

When founding Hear and Say in 1992, Dr Dimity Dornan AO had a vision to help all babies born deaf to hear, listen and speak. From these humble beginnings with just six children, our team of world-leading professionals now delivers vital audiology, speech and language services to thousands of families.

Changing the lives of babies born deaf or hard of hearing

By including Hear and Say in your Will, you’re playing a vital role in providing long-term funding to ensure Hear and Say is here to support babies and children into the future.

Leaving a footprint

Know you have contributed something special and will be remembered gratefully by those whose lives you touched.

Your gift will support the life-long journey children with hearing loss through:

  • Early diagnosis to ensure they have the best chance to meet key milestones
  • Early intervention teaching them to hear, listen and speak
  • Ongoing audiology services to fine tune their hearing technology and ensure it is delivering the best sound to their brains
  • Support life-changing research into clinical management improvements

It’s never too late to make or change your Will. 

Baby with hearing aids and Mum

What legal wording do you need to include?

The wording included within your Will changes depending on what type of bequest you choose to leave Hear and Say.

The following information is a guide only, and we recommend you complete in consultation with your legal advisor.

“I give, to Hear and Say, free from all charges, the sum of $_____ [or insert the nature of the bequest i.e. legacy/percentage of estate] for the charitable purposes thereof of the organisation and direct that the receipt of the secretary or other proper officer of the Centre shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees for such a gift.”

Whole estate

The wording included within your Will changes depending on what type of bequest you choose to leave Hear and Say.

The following information is a guide only, and we recommend you complete in consultation with your legal advisor.

“I give, to Hear and Say, free from all charges, the sum of $_____ [or insert the nature of the bequest i.e. legacy/percentage of estate] for the charitable purposes thereof of the organisation and direct that the receipt of the secretary or other proper officer of the Centre shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees for such a gift.”

A percentage of your estate

I give a ___% share of my estate upon trust for Hear and Say Limited for charitable purposes thereof. I declare a general charitable intention.

A specific amount (pecuniary gift)

I give free of all duties and charges the sum of $___ to Hear and Say Limited for charitable purposes thereof. I declare a general charity intention.


Online learning

From tinnitus, to cytomegalovirus, to teaching kids with hearing loss – further your knowledge with our on demand webinars.

2023-24 Annual Report

Read about the families we have supported and the great outcomes our dedicated staff have helped them achieve this year.

Celebrating powerful communicators

Four courageous children and clients of Hear and Say shared their stories at the inaugural Power of Speech event.

Workplace giving

“The program gives our staff a sense of pride in the company and for the work they do at Sci-Fleet." – Allison Scifleet, Guest Experience Manager, Sci-Fleet Motors.

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