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Telehealth Speech Therapy for Kids

Hear and Say offers online speech therapy for children of all ages. Through telehealth or telepractice, you can do a speech therapy lesson or some assessments with a speech pathologist from the comfort of your own home. We offer speech therapy sessions via telehealth to children and families anywhere in Australia no matter where they live – city, rural or remote.

Women At Computer On Telehealth Appointment With Child

Qualified Speech Pathologists

Hear and Say are paediatric experts for both hearing and speech therapy needs. Book an appointment with our qualified speech pathologists for a speech and language assessment to get the complete picture of your child’s current developmental level and any difficulties they may be having with their communication.

What is Telehealth Speech Therapy?

Telehealth speech therapy means that children and families can access speech therapy, visits to their day care, kindy or school providing education and training, as well as some speech therapy assessments, no matter where they live thanks to videoconferencing technology. All you need is a working laptop, iPad or tablet and an internet connection.

How Does Online Speech Therapy Work?

Before your telehealth speech therapy appointment our speech pathologists work with the you to plan the lesson. They will advise you of any resources, for example books, toys or craft supplies, that may be needed during the appointment so you can prepare them ahead of time. Any play-based activity that can be carried out in an in-centre appointment can be undertaken via online speech therapy.

Your therapist will send you a Zoom link via email before the appointment with some instructions on how to get started. This involves downloading Zoom and clicking the meeting link that your therapist has emailed to you. Ensure that your video and microphone are both turned on and working. You should hear a bell and begin to see your therapist once they join the meeting.

Lady Watching Webinar At Computer

From reading books, singing songs, doing puzzles and even making playdough together, our team of speech pathologists are experienced in delivering telehealth speech therapy to keep babies, toddlers and children engaged. By using activities accessible in your own home, our speech therapists can coach families to continue to practice these same activities easily.

Similar to an in-centre speech therapy appointment, participants will:

  • Chat through the child's progress since their last therapy session
  • Undertake the Seven Sounds listening test
  • Use play-based activities which focus on specific speech, language and listening goals for the lesson
  • Coach and support for the family member
Img Boy With Cochlear Implants Looking At Camera

Consider Your Child's Hearing First

About 300 babies are born with hearing loss each yet however by the time children reach school-age, this number doubles. Children’s hearing can change over time, even if they pass the newborn hearing screen at birth which can impact their speech and language development.

Hear and Say’s paediatric audiologists can help with a hearing test for your child.

Common Signs of Speech and Language Delays

There are a few different signs of speech and language delays that you can look for in children. Sometimes it can be tricky to tell if a child is taking a little bit longer to reach a milestone or whether they're having difficulties in communicating. In their first two years these are some of the key signs of speech and language delay to look out for:

  • They aren't saying single words by the time they're 15 months old
  • Not saying phrases with two words by two
  • They find it difficult to follow your instructions
  • They're struggling to piece words together to form a sentence
  • They might leave words out of sentences
  • Not able to articulate or understand what is being said to them
  • When they do speak, it's not clear or hard to understand, particularly to those who do not know them

Our Online Speech Therapy Services

At Hear and Say our speech therapists work with children who have been diagnosed with a hearing loss as well as children who may be experiencing speech or language difficulties, including:

  • Late or not talking
  • Middle ear issues or concerns
  • A delay in their speech (which may be clarity or articulation of speech sounds)
Img Online Speech Therapy With Young Boy And Mum
Small Boy Reading With Mum

Online Speech Therapy Session for Children

Before starting speech pathology with children, our qualified speech pathologist will undertake a speech and language assessment to give them an understanding of your child’s developmental level. They will be able to assess a child’s ability to communicate and interact with the people around them.

Online Speech Therapy Sessions for Kids with Hearing Loss

Some children are diagnosed with hearing loss at birth whilst others are picked up a little later as a toddler or during school. Through hearing technology such as cochlear implants or hearing aids and speech therapy support, children can grow up able to hear and speak like others around them.

We're here to help

Book a speech and language assessment or online speech therapy appointment for your baby, toddler or child. We have online speech therapy appointments as well as a number of hearing clinics in Queensland.

Brisbane | Gold Coast | Sunshine Coast | Toowoomba | Townsville | Telehealth

Book an appointment

Speech Therapy FAQs

Speech therapy starts with a speech and language assessment to understand the child's current development level and ability to interact with people around them.

Our team of speech pathologists work with children and their families to develop the child's speech through listening. This approach closely follows a child's natural developmental progression in listening, language, speech, literacy, cognition and social skills. 

It is normal to have lots of questions about speech pathology especially if you’re not sure what to expect for your child’s first appointment with a speech pathologist or what ongoing therapy may look like.

Telehealth is the provision of speech therapy via videoconferencing technology such as Zoom or Microsoft teams using the internet. At Hear and Say, we are very experienced in providing telehealth services to children, adults and their families

Our speech pathologists will work with you ahead of the online speech therapy appointment to plan the lesson so you feel comfortable with the plan and activities that will be used to reach the child’s goals. They will also send you a link to join the video call via email ahead of the appointment.

You can use online speech therapy whenever suits you and your family to achieve your goals. You may wish to see your speech pathologist in-centre or via a combination of online and face-to-face sessions. Online speech therapy services are also a good option if someone in your family is unwell or you’re unable to travel to our centre.

Our research shows that there was no significant difference between children who had in-centre therapy compared to those who had telehealth speech therapy.

You will need a laptop or tablet, working internet connection and some toys or tools to use as part of the activities for the appointment.

Speech therapy online session times can vary. Typically, an online speech therapy session will run for 60 minutes which allows for 45 minutes therapy and 15 minutes for discussion of goals, parent training and discussion around ideas to implement activities in the home environment. Specific time frames can vary depending on the age of the child and current therapy goals.


Online learning

From tinnitus, to cytomegalovirus, to teaching kids with hearing loss – further your knowledge with our on demand webinars.

2023-24 Annual Report

Read about the families we have supported and the great outcomes our dedicated staff have helped them achieve this year.

Celebrating powerful communicators

Four courageous children and clients of Hear and Say shared their stories at the inaugural Power of Speech event.

Workplace giving

“The program gives our staff a sense of pride in the company and for the work they do at Sci-Fleet." – Allison Scifleet, Guest Experience Manager, Sci-Fleet Motors.

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