
We are currently experiencing internet and phone issues in some of our centres. For all enquiries, please contact mail@hearandsay.com.au.

Hearing loss can impact all aspects and stages of life, both for the child as well as their loved ones.

How can social work help?

Our social work service supports individuals and families through a range of short and longer-term interventions. From working through the grief that comes with the diagnosis of a child’s hearing loss, through to the challenges of parenting and everyday life, or experiences of domestic violence and other types of trauma – our social workers are here to help navigate families through these challenges.

Baby with hearing aids
Speech Therapy Lesson With Child

What does our social worker do?

  • Grief counselling and emotional support for families working through the news of diagnosis of a hearing loss
  • Assisting to identify and develop your strengths and resources
  • Advocating for and referring to resources to support you and your family
  • Support for issues related to child and family welfare, mental and physical health, poverty, unemployment, disability, homelessness, family violence and trauma

Booking an appointment

If you child is already part of our Early Intervention program, we encourage you to talk with your therapist or audiologist and ask for a referral to our social work service. An appointment will then be set up to discuss your situation and next steps could be.


Online learning

From tinnitus, to cytomegalovirus, to teaching kids with hearing loss – further your knowledge with our on demand webinars.

2023-24 Annual Report

Read about the families we have supported and the great outcomes our dedicated staff have helped them achieve this year.

Celebrating powerful communicators

Four courageous children and clients of Hear and Say shared their stories at the inaugural Power of Speech event.

Workplace giving

“The program gives our staff a sense of pride in the company and for the work they do at Sci-Fleet." – Allison Scifleet, Guest Experience Manager, Sci-Fleet Motors.

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