We are currently experiencing internet and phone issues in some of our centres. For all enquiries, please contact mail@hearandsay.com.au.

Gather your networks

You can get loud in any way you like – with your family and friends, at work, in your community group or at school. The opportunities are endless!

You can take part as an individual or make as much noise as you can as a team.

You’re making a true difference by helping children with hearing loss learn to hear and speak – giving them the same opportunities as their siblings and peers. How awesome is that.

Group Of Women In Loud Shirts

"To anyone that is even considering it – please just do it!! It’s something that you would never regret becoming involved in. It’s not something that you have to do on your own either. Hear and Say are there every step of the way."

- Kerryn Elliott, mum to 10-year-old Emily who was born with hearing loss

Lady Holding Boy With Hearing Aids

The background

Loud Shirt Day has a bright, 20-year history. Born in South Australia around a coffee table by the Cora Barclay Centre team (now Can:Do 4Kids), it has since grown to become an international collaboration between member organisations of First Voice, made up of other charities across three countries:

  • Hear and Say (Queensland)
  • Auditory Verbal UK (United Kingdom)
  • Can:Do 4Kids (South Australia)
  • NextSense (Victoria)
  • The Hearing House (New Zealand)
  • The Shepherd Centre (New South Wales)
  • Telethon Speech & Hearing (Western Australia)

Let's get LOUD!

Bust out your wildest shirt and join us on Friday, 18 October 2024 to help make a difference to children with hearing loss.

Registering your interest is easy. Simply fill out your name and email here. We will be in contact when registrations open in July.

Get in touch

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About the camp

The Telepractice Camp is a three-day program for Hear and Say families who reside in regional and remote areas.

The camp includes individual listening and spoken language and audiology appointments, social skills groups as well as parent education and support. This is a great opportunity to connect with other Hear and Say families who live regionally.

To find out more about the program, travel, food and more, read the FAQs below.

Img Mateo In Lesson



Monday, 17 June
10.00am – 12.30pm: Parent Education and Group Social Skills programs for children (morning tea provided)
12.30pm – 1.30pm: Lunch (provided)

Tuesday, 18 June
10.00am – 12.00pm: LEAP (playgroup)
12.00pm – 1.00pm: Lunch (not provided)
1.00pm – 4.30pm: Individual appointments

Wednesday, 19 June
Individual appointments

We are fortunate to have received generous funding that will pay for one adult and one child’s travel and accommodation per family. Any additional family members who wish to attend will need to be self-funded.

Individual appointments will be funded through your NDIS plan. For families with children who have cochlear implants and are attending audiology appointments during the camp, Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) funding will be used for travel.

A member of our Business Support Team and your clinician will be in contact to see if you require travel and accommodation bookings and will organise on your behalf. You are of course also welcome to make your own arrangements should you wish to stay with family or friends for example.

Morning tea and lunch will be provided on Monday. Please bring your own lunch and snacks on Tuesday and Wednesday.

With a number of families visiting all at once, your listening and spoken language lesson may not be with your usual therapist. They will be around the building though and would love to say hello in the breaks.

Thank you

Thousands of children have grown up in a world where they can communicate and be understood; something their families never through possible. Thanks to your generosity and spirit, this has become their reality.

To thank you for your incredible support and the lasting impact you have had, we invite you to join us at Playgroup for morning tea.

Bris Event Dm Img 1118


Thank you Sunshine Coast

Thousands of children have grown up in a world where they can communicate and be understood; something their families never through possible. Thanks to your generosity and spirit, this has become their reality.

To celebrate 20 years of Hear and Say on the Sunshine Coast, we invite you to join us at Playgroup for morning tea.

Hear And Say Sunshine Coast 20 Years


About Power of Speech

We invite Members of Parliament to join Hear and Say for the second annual Power of Speech event in partnership with Jonty Bush, Member for Cooper.

Power of Speech celebrates children with hearing loss and their remarkable ability to become powerful and confident speakers. Five families from regional Queensland will speak to their successes, challenges, and hopes for the future.

A stand up networking breakfast is provided.

Power Of Speech Website Photos 1920 X1080px 1


About playgroup

Our regular playgroup takes place every Tuesday and works to build on the communication and social skills of children who are about 18 months old, through to when they start Prep. 

Key things to note:

  • Thanks to funding and generous donations, this program is subsidised and comes at no cost to families
  • An audiologist from Hearing Australia attends once a month
  • Siblings are welcome 
  • Please bring morning tea and a hat
Boy With Hearing Aids Colouring

Register for playgroup

About playgroup

Our regular playgroup takes place every Tuesday and works to build on the communication and social skills of children who are about 18 months old, through to when they start Prep. 

Key things to note:

  • Thanks to funding and generous donations, this program is subsidised and comes at no cost to families
  • An audiologist from Hearing Australia attends once a month
  • Siblings are welcome 
  • Please bring morning tea and a hat
Mum And Child Cutting With Scissors Play

Register for playgroup

About playgroup

Our regular playgroup takes place every Tuesday and works to build on the communication and social skills of children who are about 18 months old, through to when they start Prep. 

Key things to note:

  • Thanks to funding and generous donations, this program is subsidised and comes at no cost to families
  • An audiologist from Hearing Australia attends once a month
  • Siblings are welcome 
  • Please bring morning tea and a hat
Girl reading at playgroup with mum

Register for playgroup

About playgroup

Our regular babies and toddlers playgroup takes place every second Tuesday and works to build on communication and social skills.

Key things to note:

  • Thanks to funding and generous donations, this program is subsidised and comes at no cost to families
  • Playgroup is a wonderful opportunity to ask questions to a speech pathologist outside of appointments
  • An audiologist from Hearing Australia attends once a month
  • Siblings are welcome 
  • Please bring morning tea and a hat
Baby With Hearing Aids Looking At Camera

Register for playgroup

About playgroup

Our regular babies and toddlers playgroup takes place every second Tuesday and works to build on communication and social skills.

Key things to note:

  • Thanks to funding and generous donations, this program is subsidised and comes at no cost to families
  • Playgroup is a wonderful opportunity to ask questions to a speech pathologist outside of appointments
  • An audiologist from Hearing Australia attends once a month
  • Siblings are welcome 
  • Please bring morning tea and a hat
Baby with hearing aids

Register for playgroup


Online learning

From tinnitus, to cytomegalovirus, to teaching kids with hearing loss – further your knowledge with our on demand webinars.

2022-23 Annual Report

Read about the 300 babies born with hearing loss in Australia each year, and how Hear and Say continued to change lives this year.

Celebrating powerful communicators

Four courageous children and clients of Hear and Say shared their stories at the inaugural Power of Speech event.

Workplace giving

“The program gives our staff a sense of pride in the company and for the work they do at Sci-Fleet." – Allison Scifleet, Guest Experience Manager, Sci-Fleet Motors.

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