Two and a-half year old, Layla loves story time, painting, hanging out with her cousins and going to the beach, but at the very top of the list is being a new big sister to baby Matilda.
Born with a hearing loss in both ears has not stopped Layla from being extremely outgoing, right down to using her hearing aids as a statement fashion accessory.
“For a while, I was struggling to keep Layla’s hearing aids in her ears, as she kept pulling them off,” recalled Layla’s mum, Carmen.
“One day I looked online and discovered a shop selling charms to accessorise hearing aids and cochlear implants – they worked a beautifully and Layla loves them!”
Carmen and her husband, Anthony’s dedication to Layla’s hearing, and funky sense of fashion, has helped her develop not only great listening and language skills, but also built her confidence and independence.
Carmen reflected on their family’s journey.
“I am so grateful for early hearing assessments and detection. Without it, we may not have found out Layla’s hearing loss until she was a bit older which would have impacted her ability to reach developmental millstones like her peers. Early intervention through Hear and Say has allowed us to give Layla the foundations for effective hearing and communication,” said Carmen.

Layla has a world of choice laid out before her; from what music she wants to listen to, to which conversations with friends she wants to be in, to later in life, deciding what career path she wants to go down – all because she has the gift of sound.