It was a case of third time’s a charm for retiree, Lynne who had grown increasingly frustrated with the hearing aids she had worn on and off for years.
“I have had a hearing loss for quite a long time now, and like most mature people initially didn’t want to admit it!” said Lynne, age 70.
“Being a fashion-conscious female, I first wanted to try a hearing aid which was completely invisible sitting inside my ear canal. However, after I had them fitted by a local hearing aid provider, it was a total disaster – they wouldn’t stay in position and I found them painful to wear.”
Lynne’s two daughters had both worked with Hear and Say primarily in its school hearing screening team, and it was through them that Lynne learnt about Hear and Say’s Adult Hearing program.
By this stage, Lynne had tried another hearing aid style which sat behind her ear, but found it still wasn’t addressing her specific type of hearing loss.
“I was unable to hear my grandchildren and certain levels of conversation. Going to the theatre was also difficult, as were certain voice types in a movie or on television. I found my hearing loss very isolating,” said Lynne.
“After a few years of constantly going back for readjustments of this device, I was intrigued to learn that Hear and Say had begun a program for adults – and I haven’t looked back.”
After undergoing further audiological assessment with Hear and Say, Lynne was recommended new hearing aids which better supported her when listening in noisy environments, including advanced background noise reduction and directional microphone technology.
Hear and Say’s comprehensive hearing assessment includes testing of speech understanding in background noise to best match hearing technology to an individual’s hearing ability – as well as communication goals and lifestyle.
“My experience with my new aids has been very positive, and the Hear and Say team has been a delight to work with at getting the optimum setting for my needs,” said Lynne.
“I can’t advise strongly enough for anyone with hearing loss to seek help, and Hear and Say are the people to see.”
Hearing can change gradually without you noticing, or signs can be sudden
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. We are here to help people of all ages.
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