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School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia

  • Professor Virginia Slaughter, Head of School
  • Dr Aisling Mulvihill, Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia

  • Dr Wendy Arnott, Honorary Research Senior Fellow

Hear and Say 

  • Ms Emma Rushbrooke, Clinical Director
  • Dr Shaeez Usman Abdulla, Research and Development Manager
Three Children Playing On Slide

What does this research investigate?

In collaboration with internationally renowned researchers Prof Emeritus Candida Peterson and Prof Virginia Slaughter from the School of Psychology at The University of Queensland, Hear and Say is undertaking an exciting research study, “Theory of Mind Development for Children With Hearing Loss”. Theory of mind, or the capacity to understand what people think and feel, is important for children’s social functioning and developing peer relationships.

This research aims to examine theory of mind development in children with hearing loss and provide new insights into their social-cognitive development and skills. It is hoped that this project will inform and open avenues for new interventions to enhance social functioning and peer relationships for children in our programs.

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2023-24 Annual Report

Read about the families we have supported and the great outcomes our dedicated staff have helped them achieve this year.

Celebrating powerful communicators

Four courageous children and clients of Hear and Say shared their stories at the inaugural Power of Speech event.

Workplace giving

“The program gives our staff a sense of pride in the company and for the work they do at Sci-Fleet." – Allison Scifleet, Guest Experience Manager, Sci-Fleet Motors.

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